The Nursery school comprises of Baby class, play Group and Kindergarten. It provides for babies of ages from 1 - 4 years. It is aimed at assisting the working class mothers or parents and also designed to catch the children’s mind at a tender age.
The primary section impact qualitative education through the ideological basis of tawheed. (Islamic Monotheism) and imbuing children with the fear of Allah as a sine qua non for success in life. It consists of Basic 1 - 6 with specially designed and packaged curriculum by distinguished educationist and experienced school administrators in line with the national policy on education
The College, with Basic 7 - 9 and SSS1 - SSS3, provides an excellent all round education with a highly developed curriculum. Inculcating in students, the basic qualities of leadership, initiatives, and creativity; molding them into principled God - fearing and responsible member of the society in accordance with Islamic principles.
Having come this far in the human development business, Al-Usrah seeks, in conjunction with individuals who have passion for developing human capacity, to take the bold step of establishing a world class university. The primary aim of CITY MODEL UNIVERSITY (CMU) project is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge through learning, research and development. For more detail visit:
They are educators dedicated to their jobs, engages students in learning positively and developing a good relationship with students and their parents.