The school resumption date for First Term 2024/2025 Academic Session is Monday, 9th September, 2024

CMU Retreat Coming Soon! What?

Ayinla Ige AKEEM

All deliverable as well as information including advice, recommendation, observations and comments transferred by Cactus Technologies to the client will be for the sole and exclusive use of the client only. The client will not disclose the said-transferred items to any other organization without the written consent of Cactus Technologies. In case, the client discloses any of the said transferred items without consent of Cactus Technologies then, the client will be liable to pay Cactus Technologies a sum not exceeding the full consideration for this proposal, for each transfer to a third party.

The client will not duplicate or otherwise reproduce, directly or indirectly, in whole or part, the deliverables or any material relating thereto except as and for the use specified in the proposal.

The client will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all authorized personnel including its employees and agents having access to the deliverable or any material relating thereto will refrain from disclosure, duplication, or reproduction in any form.